My husband had a vasectomy 16 years ago and now we want to get pregnant. Any advice?

We live in South Africa.

Answers from doctors (3)

More About Doctor Tulsa Vasectomy Clinic

Published on Jul 06, 2022

There is the possibility of pregnancy. Vasectomy reversal is highly unlikely to be successful. However, sperm harvesting directly from the testicle with subsequent implantation is also possible. It takes a specialist in these areas in order to do this successfully

Answered by Tulsa Vasectomy Clinic (View Profile)

There is the possibility of pregnancy. Vasectomy reversal is highly unlikely to be successful. However, sperm harvesting directly from the testicle with subsequent implantation is also possible. It takes a specialist in these areas in order to do this successfully

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Robert D. Oates, MD, FACS

Published on Jun 24, 2019

His two broad options are vasectomy reversal or aspiration of sperm combined with an IVF cycle.

All the best,

Dr. Robert Oates, MD

Answered by Robert D. Oates, MD, FACS

His two broad options are vasectomy reversal or aspiration of sperm combined with an IVF cycle.

All the best,

Dr. Robert Oates, MD

Published on Jul 11, 2012

More About Doctor John C. McHugh, MD

Published on Feb 25, 2018

Two major options: Microscopic vasectomy reversal where the tubes are reconnected, or IVF in which sperm are aspirated from the male and an egg from the female. These methods are easily researched on the internet. Most people make their choice based on their situation, cost, likelihood of success and after assessing the availability of each in the area they live.

Answered by John C. McHugh, MD (View Profile)

Two major options: Microscopic vasectomy reversal where the tubes are reconnected, or IVF in which sperm are aspirated from the male and an egg from the female. These methods are easily researched on the internet. Most people make their choice based on their situation, cost, likelihood of success and after assessing the availability of each in the area they live.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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